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The right equipment for modern animal keeping!
PFF - Creating Brands
Heading for a new co-living sensation
The right equipment for modern animal keeping!

Today's animal keeper has different demands on modern animal husbandry. The animals are family members and are occasionally the focus of their own lives. For many pet owners, old-fashioned, small-scale dwellings are a thing of the past. When it comes to creating living spaces, they can be wonderfully integrated into your personal living space.

We have committed ourselves to this motto - to create common, common feel-good spaces with their owners - under the @Home category. This resulted in the wonderful cooperation and brand bunnyNature by puppijames

“by puppijames” – that stands for Angie and her two rabbits Püppi and James. From a previous children's room, Angie and her husband created a dreamlike rabbit paradise for both of their fur noses.

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With a lot of love and dedication, they build fantastic accessories for playing, conquering and relaxing. With the desire to make these products available to other rabbit owners as well, we then came to a cooperation and advise and are now jointly producing further ideas for the puppijames range.

We at bunnyNature are happy to pass on the products tested by Püppi (†2022 ), James and from now on Freddy – also with Angie's experience - and present them as the “bunnyNature by puppijames” concept.

bunnyNature by puppijames shows what living with animals can look like today. Conceptually mature products of the best quality, which in addition to functionality also have an ambient character. This is how living with animals works today!


Our accessories from puppijames ensure a lot of fun and plenty of variety. Thanks to intelligent plug-in systems, everything is set up quickly and you can start exploring and playing.

Fun for all rodents and thanks to the simple design, the parts fit perfectly into every apartment.

Discover the complete range of bunnyNature by puppijames now!

Our Labyrinth
Labyrinth to hide and play
Our Labyrinth
Construction / info video
Our Labyrinth
Construction / info video
Our Labyrinth
Construction / info video
dekoabgerundete Kanteneinfach zu kombinierenrutschfeste Dachplatteeinfach zu kombiniereneinfaches Stecksystemeinfach zu kombinieren
  • Fixed roof panel for a secure attachment

    Easy extension of more labyrinths thanks to mobile plug connections

  • flexible positioning of the inner walls for endlessly new routes
  • can be expanded creatively and individually with additional labyrinths
  • Interactive: for playing, hiding, climbing, snoozing, running
  • Rounded edges, robust birch wood
  • Simple plug-in system which is easy to assemble and dismantle
  • Fixed roof panel for a secure attachment

    Add more levels of labyrinths quickly and easily

  • Individual and adaptable construction

    Flexible interior sections for endless labyrinth fun

  • The labyrinth can be extended and alternated in many variations.
  • · with many variations · individual · flexible

    ... and many more possibilities!

Now, small rodents can have their share of fun in the labyrinth as well! Once asembled, they will explore the new area immediately. Here they can jump, climb and hide to their hearts' content. A few caves will be declared new territory. They will have a jolly good time here.

Our Snuffleboard
Search game with Sisal
Our Snuffleboard
Construction / info video
dekoabgerundete Kanteneinfach zu kombinierenrutschfeste Dachplatte
  • Just hide a treat in the sisal gaps and you're ready for the snuffle adventure. That's a jackpot for sure!
  • Boredom banned

    The hunt for treats is exciting, varied and appeals to all senses!

  • Natural sisal

    40 millings with 4 sisal threads each to maximise fun while searching.

  • Natural material

    Robust birch wood ensures a safe position. 

Our Campsite
A safe retreat is important especially for our precious darlings who are flight animals. It is their only way to truly unwind, relax and sleep.
Our Campsite
Construction / info video
Our Campsite
Construction / info video
dekoabgerundete Kanteneinfach zu kombinierenrutschfeste Dachplatte
  • Enough space

    2 Animals can get comfortable together, stretch out and chill.

  • Various exits

    3 Entraces that work as exits, too. In case it is too narrow or uncomfortable, everyone will find a safe exit straight away.

  • Natural material

    Robust birch wood ensures a safe position. 

  • Plug system

    Simple assembly, simple disassembly, and space-saving storage

  • For cuddling and sleeping

    The ideal place for a nap or to cuddle

A safe retreat is important especially for our precious darlings who are flight animals. It is their only way to truly unwind, relax and sleep.

The tentbed illustrates how modern such a safe retreat can look. It is made from stable birch wood and matches any cage or flat perfectly with its appealing exterior. That's how modern equipment looks!

Our nap time bed
The nap time bed offers the animals a raised area to lie on, where they can cuddle and laze around.
Our nap time bed
Construction / info video
dekoabgerundete Kanteneinfach zu kombinierenrutschfeste Dachplatte
  • Plug system

    Simple plug system, easy to assemble and disassemble.

  • For cuddling and sleeping

    comfortable, broad sitting and bed surface.

  • Natural material

    rounded egdes, stable birch wood, safe standing.

It takes only five easy steps to put together the slumber box.

It provides an elevated resting spot where animals can cuddle and relax together.

How to contact us:
Bunny Tierernährung GmbH
Telefon: +49 5226 971130
Telefax: +49 5226 971144

Bunny Tierernährung GmbH
Krukumer Straße 37
D-49328 Melle/Germany

Tel.: +49 5226 9711-30
Fax: +49 5226 9711-44
eMail: info@bunny-nature.de

Geschäftsführer: Oliver Petzoldt
USt.-Ident-Nr.: DE 81 34 14 71 9
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 20029

Privacy policy
General information about data handling

We are very pleased that you are interested in our website - and thus in our company. The protection of your private rights and freedoms is important to us; we only use your data for the purposes intended. Since it is important to us that you know at all times to what extent we collect, use and, if necessary, pass your data onto third parties, we will subsequently inform you in detail about the processing of your personal data (collected via our website).

In principle, you can use our pages without providing any data; if there are exceptions for selected services, we will explain these in the following chapters. We will not process data without a legal basis without your informed consent.

When processing personal data, we strictly adhere to the requirements of the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and, if necessary, other data protection regulations.

Name and Address of the data controller

Bunny Tierernährung GmbH
Oliver Petzoldt
Krukumer Straße 37
D-49328 Melle/Germany

Tel.: +49 5226 9711-30
Fax: +49 5226 9711-44
eMail: info@bunny-nature.de

Name and address of the data protection officerMartina Brinkmann
Cortina Consult GmbH
Hafenweg 24
48155 Münster
Tel: +49 (0)251 - 29794740
E-Mail: support@cortina-consult.com
Website: https://www.cortina-consult.com/
The rights of data subjects

Chapter III of the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides for extensive rights for data subjects, which we will explain to you below with regard to the processing of your personal data:

1. The right to be informed
This specification applies in particular to the following data processing details:
  • The purpose of the processing operation
  • Categories of data
  • If necessary, recipient or categories of recipients
  • If necessary, the planned storage duration or the criteria for determining this duration
  • Information on the respective right to correction, deletion, restriction or objection
  • Existence of a right of appeal to a supervisory authority
  • If necessary, origin of the data (if not collected from you)
  • If necessary, existence of automated decision making including profiling, and including meaningful information about the logic involved, the scope and the expected effects
  • If necessary, (planned) transfer to a third country or international organisation
2. The right of rectification
If necessary, we will correct faulty data immediately if you inform us about the circumstance accordingly.
3. Right to deletion (right to be forgotten)
If the processing is no longer necessary and one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
  • Expiry of the purpose of processing
  • Withdrawal of your consent and the absence of any other legal basis for processing
  • Opposition to processing without an important reason to the contrary
  • Illegal processing
  • Required to fulfil a legal obligation
  • Data collection in accordance with Art. 8 para. 1 GDPR As part of the deletion request, we may pass on your request to those third parties to whom your data was previously transferred.
4. The right to restriction of processing
Provided one of the following conditions is met:
  • You dispute the accuracy of your data (restriction may be made on our site for the duration of the verification)
  • In the event of unlawful processing and provided that the data is not to be deleted, deletion shall be replaced by restriction of processing
  • If the processing purposes expire, at the same time you need your data to assert, exercise or defend legal claims
  • After your objection pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR and for the duration of the examination, whether our justified reasons outweigh yours.
5. The right to data portability
As long as it is technically possible and the rights and freedoms of other persons are not affected, we will - at your request - transfer your data to another recipient (data controller).
6. Right to object
If we collect personal data from you or have it collected and process it (on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1(e) or (f) or Art. 9 Para. 2(a) GDPR), you have the right to object to data processing (including profiling) at any time (with effect for the future). In exceptional cases, the objection may be invalid, e.g. if we can prove compelling legitimate interests for processing that outweigh your interests, or processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object to such processing at any time. This also applies to any profiling connected with such direct advertising. You also have the right to object to the processing of the data we hold about you, which is carried out by us for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes in accordance with Art. 89 para. 1 GDPR unless such processing is necessary to fulfil a task in the public interest.
7. Automated individual decision-making including profiling
If we collect personal data from you or have it collected and process it, you have the right not to be subject to decision based exclusively on automated processing - including profiling - which has a legal effect on you or significantly impairs you in a similar manner. Exceptions to this requirement apply if the decision to conclude or fulfil a contract between you and us is necessary or if you have expressly consented to the processing. In any event, we will take reasonable measures to protect your rights and freedoms and your legitimate interests, including at least the right on our part to obtain the intervention of a person to express our position and to challenge the decision.
8. Right to withdraw consent under the data protection laws
You have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time.
9. The right to file a legal complaint with a supervisory authority
A list of supervisory authorities in Germany can be found on the website of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection or via the following link: https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/AufsBehoerdFuerDenNichtOeffBereich/AufsichtsbehoerdenNichtOeffBereich_liste.html
General information about data processing on the website

The following information applies to the data processing on our website in general. If there are exceptions or additions to this information, these are described in detail in the respective sections.

Information on data security

We secure your personal data processed by us against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons by appropriate technical and organisational measures. We have also implemented SSL encryption (SHA256) on our website to protect your data. However, despite regular checks, complete protection against all risks is not possible.

Legal basis for processing

We process personal data according to the specifications of the GDPR, depending on the type and purpose of processing, as follows:

Where allowed by law Specification of the GDPR
Informed consent Art. 6 para. 1(a)
In performance of a contract Art. 6 para. 1(b)
Implementation of pre-contractual measures Art. 6 para. 1(b)
Fulfilment of legal obligations Art. 6 para. 1(c)
Protection of vital interests Art. 6 para. 1(d)
Safeguarding our legitimate interest Art. 6 para. 1(f)
Our legitimate interest

Our legitimate interest, as defined in Article 6 para. 1(f) GDPR, is based on the performance of our business activities to maintain our operability and to safeguard the employment of our employees.

Information about specific data processing on the website

Depending on the processing, the purposes, legal basis and other information may vary. You will find the exact assignment of the information in the following chapter.

Contact form
The purpose of the processing operation Processing and, if necessary, answering the request of the form sender
Legal basis (in accordance with Art. 6/9 GDPR) - Performance of a contract (Art. 6 para. 1 (b))
- Safeguarding our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 (f))
if applicable, data receiver (when passing on) A transfer to third parties and / or to a third country does not take place.
if applicable, Intention to transfer to a third country or international organisation (including information on the Commission’s adequacy decision or appropriate guarantees)No data transfer to a third country takes place and is not planned.
Where known: Duration of data retention See General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessityThere is no obligation.
Consequences of non-compliance (if the required data are not provided) None
if applicable, existence of automated decision making In this context, we refrain from purely automated decision making.
if applicable, origin of data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually comes from the person concerned.
if applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually comes from the person concerned.
if applicable, change of purpose None